
“I don’t think you really know what an impact you have!” JS, HRD

“Profound. Almost taught me too much!” TY, MD

“I would gladly give you a reference any time. Our ‘chats’ were on the mark every time. Your observations astute. And, even when I put you on the spot, I knew I could trust you.” DF, CE

“You’re a one, you really are! A real challenge at times – and it was tough, but what an outcome. And I’m sure we’ve not stopped yet.” MS, CE

“Your way of looking at things, and way of feeding them back, baffles me. You manage to make me aware of home truths, but I feel encouraged at the same time.” PW, MD

“At the time, we did some really good work together. You brought vision and insight, and helped me challenge myself. But the real impact is happening now. Quite simply my life and relationships are totally different.” RM, CEO

“I was ready to give up. Frankly, I had. I never expected to look back after five years and see how much more I could achieve and how my life has unfolded.” JT, TD

“A friend. But one who doesn’t get angry when things don’t go the way you know they could, but instead is there to keep things gently moving forwards.” BS, S

One of my clients recently said; “If I was Arthur, you would be my modern-day Merlin.” While it might sound a little ‘cheesy’, for anyone familiar with the popular mythology of Arthur it’s an interesting metaphor for how I work.