The philosophy of Person-Centred (Humanistic) Psychotherapy
Produced to support a level 4 (first-year undergraduate) course in therapeutic counselling.
Produced to support a level 4 (first-year undergraduate) course in therapeutic counselling.
The relationship between counsellors and their clients, supervisors and their supervisees, tutors and their students, and managers and their ‘team’, are all determined by the projections of one onto the other and how the other responds. What’s important (in my… Continue reading
There’s nothing wrong with a bit of off-loading, but it doesn’t really help the client move forward in their life – “the bigger picture”. There’s an ongoing debate among counsellors and psychotherapists about the difference between the two. There isn’t… Continue reading
“My personal pronouns: ‘he, him and his’” Earlier this year, the Association of Colleges, the representative body of the FE sector, publically endorsed this approach. Their argument is that this serves several purposes; It allows individuals whose name and/or identity… Continue reading
Integrative psychotherapy, when the term is used properly, relates to an approach that tries to support the client while they “integrate” their body, mind, spirit, and emotions. There are a number of organisations that train therapists to work in this… Continue reading
As coaching has become more mainstream as a means of developing managers throughout organisations, rather than being the preserve of the aspiring high achievers, so too have many firms begun to deploy internal coaches rather than relying on external providers.… Continue reading
Life is not a straight line. Perish the thought that we should discover its meaning when we are 21 and have nothing more to learn or subsequently re-frame our perspective. Some therapists eschew the term ‘eclectic’ and I don’t really like to… Continue reading
A reassuring article appeared in Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice recently. The authors, Müller, Kotte and Möller, carried out an online survey of coaches working in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (110 in total; of whom 75%… Continue reading
Cue #1: Simon and Garfunkel – “The Sound of Silence” “And in the naked light I saw | Ten thousand people, maybe more | People talking without speaking | People hearing without listening | People writing songs that voices never… Continue reading
In academic circles, the impact of a researcher is a contentious metric – deemed highly significant by some, and a distraction by others. To be frank, I haven’t got a clue what my impact statistic is because it is VERY… Continue reading