Business Book of the Week : The Khan Academy ‘flips’ education (12/03/2011)

“With so little effort on my own part, I can empower an unlimited amount of people for all time. I can’t imagine a better use of my time.” Salman Khan – founder of the Khan Academy The history In late… Continue reading

Business Book of the Week – Kanzi – The ape at the brink of the Human mind

Sue Savage-Rumbaugh – Kanzi: The ape at the brink of the Human mind I can hear my critics speaking right now… “What exactly has THIS got to do with Business, Graham?” Well, almost every month, I find myself in conversation… Continue reading

Business Book of the Week – Christakis – Connected = The science of social media networks

Our understanding of behaviour in groups has been evolving for many years. Much of the earliest scientific study was based on animal populations and formed a subset of the science of ethology. These studies usually revolved around small groups that… Continue reading

Business Book of the Week – Robinson – The element – How finding your passion changes everything

The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything (Robinson) A few weeks ago, I chose one of Tony Buzan’s books as my Business Book of the Week. On Friday night, I went to hear Buzan speaking. He is a polished… Continue reading

Business Book of the Week – Drive – The surprising truth about what motivates us by Daniel Pink

Drive – The surprising truth about what motivates us I had one of those surreal conversations with someone yesterday. They insisted that they got the best performance out of their salesforce by offering them a very high proportion of their… Continue reading