The trouble with Fish!

In 1998, Stephen Lundin, Harry Paul, and John Christensen, two filmmakers and a motivational speaker published a book, Fish!, based on a film that they had made about the fish sellers in Seattle’s “Pike Place Fish Market”. It is a… Continue reading

Power dynamics in coaching, counselling, supervision, management, and teaching…

The relationship between counsellors and their clients, supervisors and their supervisees, tutors and their students, and managers and their ‘team’, are all determined by the projections of one onto the other and how the other responds. What’s important (in my… Continue reading

Eclectic, Integrative, and Pluralistic approaches to psychotherapy…

Integrative psychotherapy, when the term is used properly, relates to an approach that tries to support the client while they “integrate” their body, mind, spirit, and emotions.  There are a number of organisations that train therapists to work in this… Continue reading

The difference between supervising internal coaches compared to external ones

As coaching has become more mainstream as a means of developing managers throughout organisations, rather than being the preserve of the aspiring high achievers, so too have many firms begun to deploy internal coaches rather than relying on external providers.… Continue reading